PHL vs. Kuwait game Photos (2 of 4)

This is the second of four parts of the PHL vs. Kuwait game fotos. All pics taken by Dr. Joel Pascual, who was one of the dozens of accredited photojournalists during the game. (You may grab a copy of the pic but please credit Dr. Joel Pascual and Thanks-----------------Mike) 


Richard said…
Mike, I'm glad that there's somebody like you who's a big fan of football and who writes about football a lot, especially on the games played in Cebu. What you have been doing benefit many like me who could not be around to witness the games in person. They also help popularize the sports and increase its followers. However, you alone can't accomplish what they had accomplished in basketball. For football to gain mass followers, media has to play a big role too. There were games at San Roque Football Field last Saturday but the results didn't see print even on the local newspapers. Prints like this do help popularize the sport and grow football enthusiasts. Our players and the institution they represent also look forward to reading about the games on prints. Being one of the leading media people on football, may I request you to do something to ensure that the games get printed at least on the local papers; not just the results but also the significant plays of the games. Thank you and more power!
Cebu Football said…
Hi Richard,

As much as I want to, I can no longer go to as many football tournaments as I can. So I've been trying to writers who can take over that. It's not easy. The points you raised--plays, names--are the very things that I tell them to include in their stories.

I'll drop by San Roque Cup when I can. It's a three-month event, right? If you know the organizer, can you tell them to e-mail me a copy of their schedules/results to (

Bal Marsius said…
Somehow Weiss reminds me of Bobby Nalzaro

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