Cesafi, CebuFA iron out kinks
THE Cebu Schools Athletic Foundation Inc. and the Cebu Football Association is ironing a clash in their football calendars to allow the collegiate teams to join the Aboitiz tournament.
Early this month, Cesafi reiterated its stand that student-athletes prioritize playing for the school-based league and shouldn’t play in other leagues while the season is ongoing.
In a letter to Cebu Football Association president Richard Montayre, which was also faxed to Sun.Star Cebu, Cesafi commissioner Felix Tiukinhoy said, “I respect your request that we work hand in hand in the organization of the different football competition in Cebu….Since we have finalized our schedules in all sporting events, including football, which will start on Oct. 4 and will end on Nov. 22, may I respectfully request that your tournament be scheduled after our Cesafi tournament so that the varsity players can also play in your prestigious leagues.”
The Aboitiz Cup is scheduled to start later this month but in the last edition in 2006, the Men’s Open—where the college teams are expected to play—started after the age groups competitions have ended.
--full text of letter to be uploaded later
Early this month, Cesafi reiterated its stand that student-athletes prioritize playing for the school-based league and shouldn’t play in other leagues while the season is ongoing.
In a letter to Cebu Football Association president Richard Montayre, which was also faxed to Sun.Star Cebu, Cesafi commissioner Felix Tiukinhoy said, “I respect your request that we work hand in hand in the organization of the different football competition in Cebu….Since we have finalized our schedules in all sporting events, including football, which will start on Oct. 4 and will end on Nov. 22, may I respectfully request that your tournament be scheduled after our Cesafi tournament so that the varsity players can also play in your prestigious leagues.”
The Aboitiz Cup is scheduled to start later this month but in the last edition in 2006, the Men’s Open—where the college teams are expected to play—started after the age groups competitions have ended.
--full text of letter to be uploaded later
Still, there are several immediate points of concern if the "no play during CESAFI season" rule will be inforced, even if only during that particular sport's playing period (Oct.4 - Nov.22).
1. The CebuFA Men's Team - several collegiate players (strikers in particular) are being eyed by the cooaching staff. The regionals and finals (if it does push thru) will conflict with the CESAFI football schedule. It would be good if the coaching staff shall be informed about whatever decision CESAFI and CebuFA will come up with so that they can look for other players if the college athletes will not be allowed to play.
2. The Aboitiz Men's Open may have to be moved after Nov.22. Personally, playing on December may be a good thing because the holidays means more playing days, but many players will be leaving for the provinces. It may be advantageous to some teams and disadvantageous to others.
3. Our POF teams leaving for the finals may also be affected. Some USP and DBTC high school players are playing for both POF teams and they are also included in their school's CESAFI lineup.
Still, it's good that Tiukinhoy and Montayre are trying to iron this out and perhaps prevent this from happening again.