The fun has began

THE self proclaimed CFA manager, Paul Weiler has been ousted.

Even from his own club, FC Inter Cebu, Weiler has been given the boot.

From the CebuFA -- which Weiler insists on calling the CFA to the point of calling himself the CFA Manager – Weiler has been ousted, to FC Inter Cebu.

“It has come to our attention that certain person(s) are claiming to represent CebuFA. Only the CebuFA Board, thru its President, as mandated in its by-laws, is allowed to issue official statements for & in behalf of the organization. Furthermore, CebuFA has no "CFA Manager" in its roster of appointed officials. Thank you,” a text from CebuFA (not CFA) president Jonathan Maximo reads.

As to FC Inter Cebu, the vice president Manfred Schuwerk said, “Mr. Paul Weiler has no official function in our club FC Inter Cebu. This was the result of the meeting of FCIC board yesterday. The position he is claiming to have is not part of our by the SEC approved by-law. Anybody who wants to see it can come to me and read the official SEC document. Paul is dealing with other peoples earnings and work. He claimed that he is a Euro-multimillionaer. He claimed that he is the founder of our club. He claimed many things I dont need to mention here. Everybody here may decide by himself to believe him or not. Any statement of Paul Weiler is his private Opinion. He is not authorized to speak on behalf of FCINTERCEBU.”

Weiler is also best remembered by the Cebu football media for a failed publicity stunt during the Southeast Asian Games. When an energy drink company released a P.R regarding the amount of money they would give if the Philippine football team wins a medal at the Seag. Weiler released his own, calling and pestering reporters of his ‘million-peso’ incentive to help RP football.

He offered to triple the amount the energy drink was set to give. A news, which never came out in the papers.

One reporter said, “If he’s really serious to help Philippine football, why not invest this money in the grass roots development? Instead of bragging to the world he’s going to give this much if the Philippines bag the gold in SEA games football.”

Weiler’s offer didn’t see print. One editor said, “Kapoy to sya kastorya, maypag mag sige nalang ka'g OO para mahilum to, kung dili, dili mahuman ang storya.” (It’s tiresome to talk to him, it’s better if you just say “Yes” to shut him up, if you don’t, he won’t stop talking)

Up to now, Weiler still claims he is the CFA manager and that he got elected by a handshake.

He has become such an annoyance to football reporters that everytime they see Weiler on the field, they would take the longer circuitous rout to avoid him.

One unfortunate lady reporter, who has left the football scene, told another reporter after a grueling 30-minute discourse on football, “Ngano gi-byaan man ko nimo, tanawa, nagantos ko niya, wa gyud ko kasabot sa iyang gipangyawyaw,” (Why did you leave me, see, I had to endure him, I didnt understand a thing what he was talking about)

In one instant, while talking to the three reporters, (a guy in the back said), “Hala mo, di na siya mu-undang,” (Guys, he won’t stop talking)

After that, if ever Weiler approaches the reporters, they would find any excuse to avoid him, moving to the other side of the field, or in the unfortunate time that they get to talk to him, they would leave him abruptly if he looks away.

The Cebufa website has banned me from their forum, now, I guess it’s time to pull my weight, don’t you think?

I mean, I’ve been helping the FA get lots of media mileage.

So I guess, I will stop writing about the FA, concentrate on other football news, if this ‘thing about their website” doesn't get cleared out.

And I’m not talking about the ban, I can live without that forum.

I have a few advice for Weiler, and I have to keep it simple.
1.) Learn to listen
2.) Learn to understand what other people say
3.) Forcing your ideas is bad.
4.) Learn to read posts in forums.
5.) Just because people doesn't agree with you, it doesn't mean they are football "destructors"


Anonymous said…
Ah, nice reading. ;)

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