Denker Cup fotos

(Keeper) Hope I'm not too late.

RJ Sembrano, dances on air.

Guess where the open guy is.

The Cviraa bound team.

Ball vs hair gel. Ball wins.

Kicking with the head.

My chest is stronger than your knee.

The team.

Anticipation...(guy in background) Ok, lami ni......

Should I head this or should I kick this?
Nice pics btw.
Hehehe..them Under 18s are starting to look like under 14s to me too
the city olympics elementary champion DBTC banners the elementary CVRAA squad with Antony of City Central and Villahermosa of CDC as reinforcements.
futbolero, with a playtime of 2x15 it could be anyone who could get the 2nd place. just look at fcic. they didnt get butchered like theyre used to :p
first is the way the reinforcements - specifically soriano, batad and sembrano - are being used. these three players thrive in 1-2 passing, particularly soriano who as striker can also play attacking midfield. batad and sembrano loves to get the ball from midfield then attack the sideline looking for crosses to make. soriano is also adept in making thru-passes to laterally streaking wingers - moves that batad and sembrano are also very good in. these three are veterans of the under16 coke-go-for goal program with soriano and batad winning the golden boot in regional and national levels.
however, the tactic francis ramirez uses is very dependent on the long-ball, a tactic that these three players are not at their most effective. since these three are starters of the team, perhaps francis can adjust his system to fit the talent available. the 3-4-3 formation he used during the Denker Cup wasn't really reflective of the talent he has at his disposal. the three above-mentioned players kept running after long-balls but their fullbacks were nowere near for support or to recieve pass-backs. the defenses of opposing teams only needed to mark them to minimize their effectiveness. their overall play was not reflective of their second place finish.
of course, this may just be a tactical ploy on his part. best to keep our tactics hidden from scouts.
the back three are pretty tall but not laterally mobile, thus very vulnerable to 4-4-2 formations that uses 2 attacking midfielders like dumaguete. i saw that san roque goal in the very first denker game, and that was a clear error on the 2nd post defensive formation (fullback and midfield) who didn't mark their men. that goal came from a corner that passed thru the goal area unchallenged.
i've seen the dumaguete CVRAA team play once and saw them use a 4-4-1-1 formation which they used to defeat a Victorias (NOFA) team 5-1. that Victorias team were champions in their region and their back four were ripped to shreds. what more a back three.
tagbilaran (bohol) CVRAA team has tall strikers and large defenders and if their coach is still the same guy, they may be using his 3-5-2 formation with a defensive half. that may mean difficulty for our long-ball attack.
MikeH, i simply had the opportunity to have been able to see these teams and these players in action and in practice.
Yes, Arriola would be a better choice over Vince as central midfielder if Francis chooses to have Soriano and Sharpe as strikers with Batad and Sembrano at the wings in a 3-5-2 or 4-4-2 formation. He is familiar with the moves of the DBTC reinforcements as well as that of Sharpe. This is a combination I would pay to watch.
Some of this CVRAA players(the younger ones-Mateo, Sharpe, Pascual, etc.) will also be part of the under 16 (or under 17 now?) team that will represent Cebu in the Visayas PFF Regionals this summer most likely to be held in Cebu. This tournament is good as the National PFF since there is no national scheduled and the best players are in the Visayas anyway. The core of the team is Springdale, the winner of the Aboitiz U-16 cup. The CVRAA will be a good experience for this youuger players. Lookin forward to watching this very interesting tournament if Cebu hosting will push through.
the team's concern right now is blending. if Mateo starts at central defense or as sweeper, he needs to learn fast the moves and tactics of the team. he cannot just go out and clear the ball. his understanding of francis' counter-attack tactics is essential to the team.
i've just seen another of their practices and the concerns i have regarding their offensive tactics still remain. soriano and sembrano still looks lost in front since the long-ball remains their primary weapon. sharpe may be at home with the tactic but his wingers are hard to pass too since he will be marked with at least 2 defenders considering the formation they have been using (3-5-1-1). soriano (playing behind sharpe) is often bypassed by the midfielders while batad and sembrano has no support to pass-back to.