2007 Football awards
The year's biggest achiever was the Cebu City team, manned by players from Don Bosco College, Sacred Heart School-Jesuit, Springdale, Cebu International School, Center for International Education, for winning the POF Olympic Festival football crown. Not only did they win it and went undefeated, they win it in style. Other awards. Comeback of the year: USJ-R won their fifth Cesafi title, after letting UV and USC have the crown in 2005 and 2006. Disappearing act of the year goes to the Cebu Football Association. No Aboitiz age groups, no Aboitiz Men's Open, no election, no president, no football. Jonathan Maximo started his term on a blaze, took local football to its pinnacle and went out... What was that all about award: UV fielded ineligible players in the Cesafi, Cesafi disqualified the players. UV appealed, lost the appeal and had all their games cancelled. White elephant award. 100 years of football in the country and all we can proudly point to is a $500,000 worth edifice....